Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 146: Stealing Ideas

Daily Blogging Challenge Day 146/365

My husband coaches 7th/8th grade Girl's Basketball at the local Lutheran School.  I coach 6th Grade Boy's Basketball and our season ended before Christmas, so I go along and help him with stats and coaching as much as my schedule allows.  The last three weekends he has had basketball tournaments.  I was able to make it to two of them and I love being able to see many different schools and classrooms.  It is always great to see how other teachers organize their classroom and schools decorate their schools.

Here are the ideas I have "stolen" from other schools and classrooms.
1.  Include many areas with students work throughout the school.
2.  Hallways with color (even if it is just a doorway.)
3.  Classroom walls with a purpose (CAFE, Daily 5, Math Wall...) Don't include too much color.
4.  Different parts of the room have a clear purpose (reading, research, math...)
5.  Purposeful decorations (everything hung up should have a purpose.)

Visiting schools and classrooms is a great way to gain ideas on classroom setup.  Not everything I saw was useful in my classroom, but I was still able to take away many different ideas that I can change and make my own.

What are the best ideas you have gained from other classrooms or schools?

Thank you for reading.

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