Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Kindergarten Concert 2016

My original plan was to include songs from books.  I soon realized I did not have enough material so I decided to go with more of an informance model.  Students chose three of their favorites from our Song of the Month songs and we ended up having ten songs total to perform.  I have never done a single grade level performance before, but I like the flexibility.

Next year I would like to have the students pick more of our songs from our Monthly Songs and to include more of our classroom singing games.  I would also like to break down each set of songs by concept and explain more to parents what concepts we worked on through learning each song.

2016 Concert (Many of these songs are from Quaver)
5 Green and Speckled Frogs
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
If You're Happy and You Know It
Lunch Box
Grizzly Bear
Ickle Ockle
Apple Tree
Stinky Pirates

Monday, February 22, 2016

Do We Realize...

This year has been a challenge.  I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow each day, but it is sometimes a painful and slow process.  I know I will exit this school year as a stronger person and a better teacher.  Some days are just hard. These questions have been on my mind a lot this year.

  • Do we realize when a teacher in our building is struggling?
    • What do we do to help them?
  • Do we realize when teachers/staff are close to burnout?
  • Do we take the time to truly listen?
  • Are we too wrapped up in our own lives and problems?
  • Do we take the time to connect as human beings?
  • Do we show that we care (if we in fact actually care)?
  • Do we realize that a teacher in our building is thinking about quitting?
  • Do we understand that good teachers struggle?
  • Do we say enough positive things?
  • Do we truly pay attention?
  • Do we think about our interactions with those around us?
  • Are we too busy?
  • Do we realize that a teacher leaves right away because they don't want to cry in their classroom?
  • Do we know who needs help?

Book Reflection

I go through periods of time where I read a lot and other times when it takes me months to finish a book.  One of my goals this year is to focus on quality instead of quantity and to ensure that I am learning the most from my time reading.  I created this short form to help me journal and keep track of books I have read.  I always plan on writing blog posts about the books I finish, but that never seems to happen.  I am hoping this simple form will help me stay on track.  How do you keep track of the books your read and information you have learned?




Main Message:

Key Points I Want to Remember:

Actions Steps:

The Best Observation!

Two weeks ago I had one of the best observations ever!  Now, you may be thinking that is was great because I was rated highly and everything went smoothly.  Both of those are completely wrong.  The two classes were a challenge and I felt like a terrible teacher for most of it.  How could this possibly be my best observation?  I call it my best observation because I actually learned from the experience and the person who observed me helped me make a plan to improve.

This year has been a struggle. I don't remember a year where I have doubted myself as much as I have this year.  I am adjusting to a new school, a new district, a new job, a new commute, a new curriculum, new students, new administrators and trying to balance my professional responsibilities along with being a mom, wife and friend.  It's been hard.  Some days I feel great and others I am just hoping I can make it through (preferably without crying in front of anyone.)

I mentioned to the other music teacher in my district that I am struggling with two classes at my one building and he offered to come observe me.  It was embarrassing (feeling incompetent is not fun), it was hard, but I learned so much and I feel blessed that he took the time to come help.  It was not about a grade on an evaluation.  It was not about writing down everything I was doing wrong.  It was not about catching my mistakes.  It was not about justifying why I did what I did.  It was about learning, sharing ideas, sharing experiences and making a plan to grow and get better.  How often do your evaluations end like this?  

Having someone help me create a plan was vital.  When I am struggling I get into a negative mental loop and soon it seems everything is hopeless and impossible.  Having another person see the problems and brainstorm solutions allowed me to see the possible solutions and believe that things were truly fixable. 

I understand we need evaluations and we need a way to weed out 'bad' teachers, but where is the learning when you fill in boxes saying you did this, this and this?  I would love to see evaluations that are meant to help teachers grown and not just tell them everything they did not score well on.  Yes, there are some bad teachers out there, but I also believe there are many who simply need guidance and help in order to become great.

Thank you Mr. O'Donnell for taking the time to observe me.  It was a painful experience, but one I am growing from.  I am thankful for your time!