Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 288: Misconceptions

Daily Blog Challenge Day 288/365

My husband I attended a family wedding in the Chicago Suburbs this weekend and we drove through parts of the state that are much for ethnically diverse than where we live.  We started discussing how the houses looked and the impact that has on the community in general.  There were many assumptions made and generalizations.  The conversation reminded me that all people (based on race, job, personalty or a combination of other things) come with stereotypes and misconceptions.

Which of course made me wonder, whose job is it to control/change these stereotypes/misconceptions?

I am fairly used to being misunderstood. As a female percussionist, softball player, music teacher, non girly-girl, I have become used to people making assumptions.  The challenge as a young person and as an adult is do I accept what other people assume about me or do I go on a mission trying to change their views?

How do you deal with stereotypes and misconceptions?  Do you accept them or do you try to change them?

Thank you for reading.

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