Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 114: The Olympics (Material Monday)

Daily Blog Challenge Day 114/365

Material Monday

While flipping through channels over break, I was reminded that The Olympics are fast approaching.  It made me wonder if there was a way to include The Olympics in General Music.  I sent out a tweet asking fellow music teachers (#musedchat) if they have done similar activities in their classrooms.

A member of my PLN, Eric Young (@PFPiedPiper) responded that he does an activity (learned at a workshop) where students learn a portion of the Olympic Theme on recorder.  In addition to the recorder aspect of this lesson; students act out different Olympic Events while their classmates guess the event.

1.  Learn the theme on Recorder (4th grade) and Orff (3rd grade-if possible) and include the charades portion of the lesson mentioned above.
2.  2nd Grade focuses on Folk Dances during their Dance Unit in January.  Find Folk Dances and Music from countries that participate in the Olympics. Include geography information.  All grades will be learning at least 1 of these Folk Dances. (United States-Basic Appalachian Circle Dance,  Isreal (Easter Europe)-Hora, Toga (West Africa)-Scarf Dance, Mexico-La Cucaracha, 
3.  Write our own class theme (3rd and 4th graders can do this activity as a side quest.)
4. Design their own flag and explain the symbols used (3rd and 4th graders can do this activity as a side quest.)
5.  Keep a medal tracker
6.  Use Google Apps to track locations and number of medals (5th Grade Media Class)

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