Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 108: Computer Coding (Technology Tuesday)

Daily Blog Challenge Day 108/365

Technology Tuesday

Last week was the Hour of Code. It was a big movement (popular on Twitter) to get students coding. This year I am teaching 5th grade Media Class and I had originally planned on doing a quarter of coding second semester.  The website has a ton of great resources.

We were finishing up a presentation project, so we were unable to do the hour of code during the official week, but I am looking forward to completely coding projects after Christmas Break. We finished our presentation projects on Monday, so I used the last two class periods of this semester to introduce my students to Cargo Bot.  We have fifteen school iPads, so I had my students pair up and share.

At first, many of my students were frustrated. It was not as easy as they wanted it to be. After working through a few of the tutorials, many of my students grasped the concept of the game. A few in fact had to show me how to pass certain levels.

Coding is great for teaching higher level thinking skills, planning ahead and fixing mistakes.  It amazes me that many of my students will play video games for hours, but quickly became frustrated because the crane was not doing what they wanted it to.  This "game" gives immediate feedback and the students know right away if they were successful.

I would love to hear how you include coding into your classroom. Thank uh for reading.

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