Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 107: Cross Curricular (Material Monday)

Daily Blog Challenge Day 107/365

Material Monday

One of the things I really like about having had the opportunity (although I did not view it as this during all my interviews each year) to teach at different schools during the beginning of my teaching career.  I was able to pick up different ideas from each school and put them together to create my own program identity.

One of the ideas I have picked up came from one of my first schools.  The big concert each year was the Spring Sing and the students would create the covers for the programs in art class.  The big program each year at my current school is the Christmas Program.  I asked the art teacher I work with if she would be willing to do a project in art where the students create the program covers.  She was willing to add it as a project and the kids did a wonderful job!  It was interesting to see how students interpreted the project and went about creating their design.

It is a great way to combine art and music and to let the students be creative in a more public way.  All fourth graders did the project and the art teacher and I picked six "winners" to be the art work on the covers.

Thank you for reading.

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