Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 37: Choir Chimes (Material Monday)

Daily Blog Challenge: 37/365

Material Monday
I am challenging myself to share one lesson idea every Monday. I hope that it will help me focus during my year long blogging challenge. 

Choir Chimes
I teach choir chimes in third grade.  Three of my last positions have had choir chimes as part of their resources. We start in October and we perform one piece at our Christmas Program.  Last year I only had sixteen students in each class, this year I have twenty-two students in each class (many who struggle with sitting still, following directions and listening). I am a little terrified to start chimes with them because I am afraid it will be a giant disaster (time will tell).  

Teaching Process
1. Start and stop free play (using conducting signs). 
-Introduction to playing the chimes and lets the students play. 
2. I color code all the music so students know when to play. 
3. I put names on all chimes so students know which one is theirs. 
4. I find simple melody/chord arrangements of pieces. 

Teaching Goals
1. Melody vs harmony. 
2. Basic chord progressions. 
3. Form. 
4. Playing individual parts as part of a whole. 
5. Playing as a group. 

Chimes are a great opportunity to expose students to playing individual parts as a whole. Do you use chimes? I would love to hear how you use them in your class. 

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