Daily Blog Challenge Day 61/365
I recently had my first observation of this school year. As a non-tenured teacher, I am formally observed two times a school year (more if there are issues). I am transitioning my classroom to standards based and I have been doing a lot of reflection this year on grading: it's purpose and best grading practices. Reading my observation form was another great reflection tool and the questions I am left with are 1. Is there a such thing as a excellent teacher (with no need to improve) and 2. Are there different expectations depending on length of teaching career (should there be)?
I teach elementary music and although the standards may be the same, what I expect from each grade is different. Shouldn't this be the case for teacher's evaluations? In my opinion, a first year teacher should not have the same expectations as a veteran teacher. For example, a middle school student may be an excellent athlete, but compared to a professional they would not receive the same rating. It seems unproductive to expect new teachers to be at the same point as veteran teachers.
If a young teacher is deemed excellent does that mean they can just coast the rest of their career? I understand the purpose of evaluations, but as with grades, I do not believe they are fulfilling (in many circumstances) their intended role.
I would love to hear your thoughts about teacher evaluations.