Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 341: Who Am I?

Daily Blog Challenge Day 341/365

I am very blessed with the opportunity to stay home with my daughter for a few weeks at the start of the school year. The workload of preparing my classroom is overwhelming at times and I am feeling a bit lost at times. For the past six years I have been a teacher. My identity has been wrapped in being a teacher and a coach.

Who am I if I am not a teacher? This has been a tough reflection for me. I have written about this topic before but I never realized that it had happened to me. I have let my identity become intertwined wih what I do and now that what I do is different I am confused at what that means for me. Who am I?
I am Marisa. I am a child of God, a mother,  a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I like music, reading and sports and I make a living by teaching students about these passions. I teach and I will still teach without a formal classroom.

My class roster just went down to one child for a few weeks and this will be the most important teaching I have done up to this date.

What we do is not who we are. We are people and our personal traits do not change with our job title.

Thank you for reading.

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