Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 158: Saying vs Hearing

Daily Blog Challenge Day 158/365

I recently read a blog by Joshua Medcalf that talked about how it does not matter what you say, but it is what the other person hears that is truly important.

I know I often confuse this concept.  I will think how clear I am saying things and how my students or players should understand what I mean.  This can be an issue when dealing with all people.  I know it happens with my husband often.

We all have our own set of beliefs and it is easy to assume as coaches or teachers that our class or team is on the same page with us, but often this is not true.  Many times I think I am being clear, only to realize that my students or players are confused.  Every time we hear something, these statements are interpreted based on our individual beliefs. Therefore people with different beliefs can easily misinterpret the same message.  For example, to my husband the word maybe means that we have discussed it and it is likely going to happen.  To me, maybe is an idea.  Similar conversations happen in our schools everyday.

I can tell my students or players the same concept until I am blue in the face, but if they do not hear and understand what I am saying, I will not have good results.

Our classrooms are full of students who are full of different beliefs.  How do you make sure you are coming across clearly to all of your students?  Thank you for reading.

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