Sunday, March 24, 2013

Electronic Portfolios Using Goggle Sites

This previous school year I started experimenting with the use of electronic portfolios. The purpose of using portfolios in my class is to show student growth and to showcase classroom projects. I work in a Google District and I had a basic knowledge of Google Sites, so I decided to use this platform for my classroom website.  My district also has teacher iPads and I use it as a tool to create portolfio content. 

I have adjusted my layout a few times, but at the moment I think I have found a system that works the best for my situation. My digital portfolios are for picture, YouTube videos of projects and documents of class projects. I have two hundred students and I knew having individual electronic portfolios would be too overwhelming (I do keep individual paper portfolios), so my digital portfolios are by grade. I created a separate Google Site for each grade, Kindergarten thru Fourth Grade (which are linked to our main classroom site) and I include the year that class will graduate from elementary school.  

I organize material within the portfolio by the current school year. Each portfolio will follow the specific class throughout their time in elementary music. Each portfolio includes three separate pages: Pictures, Our Work and Videos. I used the website layout for the Picture and Videos pages and the File Cabinet layout for the Our Work pages. This allows me to organize files into folders. Files are organized by class and school year. 

Are you currently using digital portfolios in your classroom? I would love to hear what platforms you use and how you have it organized. 

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