Daily Blog Challenge Day 285/365
I am slowly working my way through the book "The One Decision" by Judith Wright. The chapter I read tonight talked about BHAGS-Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals. The author defines these as "desires we find so impossible we would not even say them."
As I read through the examples of other people's goals, I started thinking about what my Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals are and I came up with some that are personal and others that are professional.
1. Win many Conference Championships in Softball.
2. Take a team to the State Tournament.
3. Increase my savings account.
4. Build the 3rd/4th grade choir to have 50% participation.
5. Build the 5th/6th grade choir to have 50% participation.
6. Build the 5th/6th grade choir to be filled with students who have a passion for music.
7. Create a music program that the school/community cannot ignore.
8. Create a music program where the school/community can easily see the value of music/the arts.
9. Fix the reputation of specials teachers as "not real teachers."
10. Put AFC Softball on the map in terms of powerhouse programs in northern Illinois.
11. Create (strengthen) solid and positive relationships.
I am sure my list will change with time. Some of these seem "easy" to accomplish, while others seem almost impossible. What are your Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals? Thank you for reading.
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