Daily Blog Challenge Day 204/365
Every year has moments of frustration and others of joy. I realize the longer that I teach that part of the frustration comes when I am tired and worn down and unable to deal with certain behavior.
I am blessed to work with some wonderful teachers and some wonderful people and I would not trade them for the world. Along with my face to face PLN, Twitter has been instrumental in keeping my morale high and keeping me focused. I want to use this post as a chance to Thank my PLN! Without your support, encouragement, kind words and guidance, this year would be very different and not in a good way. I am grateful for your support and kindness and it has been vital for me this year as both a person and a teacher. Facing challenges alone is too difficult and discouraging. You keep my focused and encouraged.
Thank you!
Trying to live an undaunted life through the arenas of faith, education, parenting and life.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Day 203: Insanity
Daily Blog Challenge Day 203/365
My college softball coach used to always say "It is insane to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result." I feel like I have been acting insane lately. I have tried many different strategies, but none seem to work. My classroom setup was causing some issues (sitting in chairs, hiding behind things) so I removed all of the tables, chairs, benches and relocated items that could be hid behind. I know this will not be a magic pill, but I hope that it will help with some of the issues.
It may be highly frustrating, but I am being forced to reconsider many parts of my teaching. That is the positive side of a challenging class. My goal is to not act insane anymore. Thanks to my PLN (both in person and on Twitter) I am full of even more ideas. Change can be a good thing and it is necessary in order for me to change and grow.
What do you do when things are not working? Thank you for reading.
My college softball coach used to always say "It is insane to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result." I feel like I have been acting insane lately. I have tried many different strategies, but none seem to work. My classroom setup was causing some issues (sitting in chairs, hiding behind things) so I removed all of the tables, chairs, benches and relocated items that could be hid behind. I know this will not be a magic pill, but I hope that it will help with some of the issues.
It may be highly frustrating, but I am being forced to reconsider many parts of my teaching. That is the positive side of a challenging class. My goal is to not act insane anymore. Thanks to my PLN (both in person and on Twitter) I am full of even more ideas. Change can be a good thing and it is necessary in order for me to change and grow.
What do you do when things are not working? Thank you for reading.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Day 202: Weekly Reflection 3/21/2014
Daily Blog Challenge Day 202/365
Reflection Friday
This week was rough. I know many other teachers were experiencing similar things, which makes me feel slightly better. I don't know if it was the full moon, the weather or the need for a break, but it was definitely challenging. Third grade has been my biggest struggle this year. One class is more of a challenge than the other and this class has pushed me to try new things and try to "fix" the problem.
I am trying to make my class more engaging and my classroom more student centered (which I see as positives from this experience). Over the weekend I rearranged my classroom in the hope that it will give 4th quarter a fresh face.
1. I flipped my mats over so they are grey instead of colorful.
2. I changed the background on our Recorder Karate bulletin board, so it looks nicer. (Did not like it from the beginning.)
3. Removed the round table and all chairs from my classroom.
4. Relocated my drum set and Orff instruments and surrounded the area with orange cones. I hope this will separate this area and help keep students away from it when they should be doing other things.
5. Relocated my projector and elmo, so it is not in the middle of the room.
Lessons Learned This Week
1. I do not communicate with students or parents enough about the positives/negatives in music.
2. I do not have as strong of relationships with my students as I originally thought.
3. I need to do a better job of hiding my frustration.
I don't like experiencing weeks that make me question my ability as a teacher, but in the end I think this will be a valuable experience and it is an opportunity for me to grow.
How do you deal with frustration as a teacher? Thank you for reading.
Reflection Friday
This week was rough. I know many other teachers were experiencing similar things, which makes me feel slightly better. I don't know if it was the full moon, the weather or the need for a break, but it was definitely challenging. Third grade has been my biggest struggle this year. One class is more of a challenge than the other and this class has pushed me to try new things and try to "fix" the problem.
I am trying to make my class more engaging and my classroom more student centered (which I see as positives from this experience). Over the weekend I rearranged my classroom in the hope that it will give 4th quarter a fresh face.
1. I flipped my mats over so they are grey instead of colorful.
2. I changed the background on our Recorder Karate bulletin board, so it looks nicer. (Did not like it from the beginning.)
3. Removed the round table and all chairs from my classroom.
4. Relocated my drum set and Orff instruments and surrounded the area with orange cones. I hope this will separate this area and help keep students away from it when they should be doing other things.
5. Relocated my projector and elmo, so it is not in the middle of the room.
Lessons Learned This Week
1. I do not communicate with students or parents enough about the positives/negatives in music.
2. I do not have as strong of relationships with my students as I originally thought.
3. I need to do a better job of hiding my frustration.
I don't like experiencing weeks that make me question my ability as a teacher, but in the end I think this will be a valuable experience and it is an opportunity for me to grow.
How do you deal with frustration as a teacher? Thank you for reading.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Day 200: Recipe Share-Pizza Crust
Daily Blog Challenge Day 200/365
-I use regular flour when I make this recipe. It even turns out if you freeze the dough for future use. Adding garlic and herbs to the dough also helps add variety depending on the type of pizza you are making.
-Occasionally we roll the crust out larger than the pan and brush on garlic oil and than roll the edge to create a crust edge.
Thank you for reading.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Day 197: Recipe Share-Pretzel Bites
Daily Blog Challenge Day 197/365
-We always let the pretzel bites drain on a cooling rack after we boil them. We have found that the extra water on the cookie sheet causes them to stick. It is also important that the pan is cool in between batches. -Pretzel salt works the best. We have found regular salt does not give the same result.
-We also always make sure we spray the cookie sheet to help prevent sticking.
-We rarely have left overs, but it is best to let them cool uncovered. Covering them up keeps the heat in which causes moisture and leads to soggy pretzel bites.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Day 196: Recipe Share
Daily Blog Challenge Day 196/365
Along with a passion for music, reading and athletics; my husband and I share a passion for cooking. I find cooking and baking to be relaxing. Here are some of our favorite recipes. I take no credit for the recipes listed. I do not create recipes, I just follow ones I find and sometimes I adjust them a bit to fit my needs. You will also find helpful tips we learned form trial and error with new recipes.
Thank you for reading.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Day 195: Multi Tasking
Daily Blog Challenge Day 195/365
I recently learned how to use the multi tasking features on my phone. I was excited to learn something new and I know at times it will come in handy. Other times it is just a distraction.
I was talking to my little sister tonight and I put her on speaker so I could write a note on my phone about something she had told me. She was telling me about grad schools she was looking so I started looking at the website of one of them. A few minutes went by and I realized I had completely missed details of what she was tell me. I was responding automatically so she thought I was listening, but if I was being honest with myself and her I would have to admit that I was not really paying attention to her.
I have always thought my ability to multi task was a great trait, but I am realizing this is not true.
The other day I was cooking and instead of starting and completing one dish at a time, I was trying to work on multiple at the same time. It never fails that ever time I do this at least one dish does not turn out as well as it would have if I had given it my full attention.
It's a hard pill to swallow and it is hard to give undivided attention to something, but multi tasking is not helpful and something is always short changed. Now that I am aware of the issue I am going to fight the urge to do multiple things and to focus on the task at hand.
How do you ensure you are truly focusing on the given task?
Thank you for reading.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Day 194: Needed
Daily Blog Challenge Day 194/365
Babies rely on others for almost everything: food, clean diapers and clean clothes are all things they have no control over but are needed.
Adults are capable of providing for themselves but this does not replace the fact we still need others. We may not need someone to clothe and feed us but we find love, support and encouragement from other people.
We are all needed in some way and we can all add to those around us (we also have the ability to take away depending on our words and actions).
What do those around you need and how can you help them? It may be a helping hand, a kind word, a listening ear or a smile. Regardless of what it is, we can all help those around us. In the end, feeling needed is a wonderful feeling and it gives a sense of purpose.
Thank you for reading.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Day 193: What Do You See?
Daily Blog Challenge Day 193/365
Our thoughts are dictated by our previous experiences and are influenced by our beliefs. Two people with different beliefs can hear the same statement and interpret it very differently (which explains many arguments).
An important lesson I was reminded of after a recent disagreement is that I interpret a statement based upon what I would mean if I made a similar statement. This can quickly lead to a misunderstanding because not everyone means what I would if I used the same statement.
I cannot change how other people talk, but I can remember to not take their statements at face value. It is important to ask questions and listen instead of reacting prematurely. We can look at the same thing and not see the same object.
Thank you for reading.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Day 190: You Will Receive
Daily Blog Challenge Day 190/365
Tonight I spent almost two hours on the phone with my little sister. She called to ask me a question which led to a long conversation. My sister can be a talkative person but she can also be very quiet, so I soak up the opportunities when she wants to talk.
Part of me wanted to watch TV with my husband, but I could tell that she needed to talk so I stayed on the phone with her. Turns out she is not the only one who needed the conversation. One trait I love about my sister is her sense of humor. She is hilarious. She can turn a simple story into a comedic routine. My favorite quote tonight was her telling me how she feels old (she is 8 years younger than I am) because she has to stretch before and after she runs.
I started talking to her tonight out of a sense of duty and responsibility, but I received a great gift too. Laughter is great medicine and although I answered the phone in a grumpy moody, I ended it feeling light and happy.
Sometimes we need to forget what we need and focus on being a servant for others. Our focus may be on others, but they are not the only ones who receive something. We will walk away from the experience in a better mood and in a better place.
How can you be a servant for others?
Thank you for reading.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Day 189: You Are In Control
Daily Blog Challenge Day 189/365
As a new mom I am often asked about my daughter's schedule and when people help feed her they always ask what is normal for her. When she was a newborn I would always respond by saying we followed her schedule. When she wanted to sleep, we let her sleep. When she cried because she was hungry, we fed her.
I realized after two months of this that my life had become pretty dependent on her. My schedule revolved around her schedule. At this point I don't see a lot wrong with that. She is still a baby and soon she will get into a more stable routine.
This experience made me realize how easy it is for others to control our schedules. Sometimes this can be a necessary thing but other times it is out of complacency. It is not a matter of which one is right but I think it is important to realize the situation.
Are you intentional with your schedule and your decisions or do you let others control?
Thank you for reading.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Day 188: Intentional
Daily Blog Challenge Day 188/365
Choices become routines very quickly. If you have ever tried a new workout routine or eating habit, you know how difficult change can be. Once this change takes place it becomes a habit and soon it happens almost automatically.
Hours and become days and soon weeks and months have gone by. The challenges of life can quickly pile up and things we meant to put effort towards can get lost in the shuffle.
I was reminded tonight (thru a disagreement with my husband) that being intentional is vital. It is easy to say you want to do X, Y and Z but without a plan, many of these wants never become a reality. If I want something, it is not enough to simply express this desire to someone. I need to be intentional in my words, actions and decisions so that my wants become reality. Wanting to spend time with people is not the same as actually spending time with them.
Be intentional. Give people the gift of your time and energy.
Thank you for reading.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Day 187: Picked Last
Daily Blog Challenge Day 187/365
How do you act when things do not go your way? How do you act when you feel like you have been wronged? How do you act when you get picked last?
All of the above mentioned situations can be difficult to deal with and no one enjoys the feelings that accompany these situations. How one deals with these situations says a lot about their character.
Do you pout or do you look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn? Looking at all opportunities to get better is a challenge, but I believe it is better for my heath and for the morale of those around me.
How do you keep your head up when times are difficult?
Thank you for reading.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Day 186: Pay It Forward
Daily Blog Challenge Day 186/365
The other day I noticed that one of my coworkers has a reading corner setup and her room looks very inviting.
I decided to email her and compliment her room set up. I was hesitant because I did not know for sure how she would act. She responded to my email by telling me thank you and she seemed happy about the compliment.
Teachers put in many extra hours preparing and getting our rooms ready. Often times this time goes unnoticed. I know I love when coworkers compliment me on an activity or project associated with my clasroom. If it is something I want to hear, than I need to be spreading it too.
Pay it forward. Be the change you can't to see.
How do you make sure you coworkers know you appreciate their efforts?
Thank you for reading.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Day 185: Google Calendar (Technology Tuesday)
Daily Blog Challenge Day 185/365
Technology Tuesday
Towards the end of my Daily Blog Challenge, I created a Google Calendar to help me organize my Blog Posts. It was also a chance to use Google Calendars in a different setting. I also use Google Calendar as my Lesson Plan Book. My curriculum and daily plans are both on separate calendars. I also use Google Calendar to keep track of weekly meal plans and memories and accomplishments for my kiddos.
How do you use Google Calendars in other ways than a schedule?
Thank you for reading.
Technology Tuesday
Towards the end of my Daily Blog Challenge, I created a Google Calendar to help me organize my Blog Posts. It was also a chance to use Google Calendars in a different setting. I also use Google Calendar as my Lesson Plan Book. My curriculum and daily plans are both on separate calendars. I also use Google Calendar to keep track of weekly meal plans and memories and accomplishments for my kiddos.
How do you use Google Calendars in other ways than a schedule?
Thank you for reading.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Day 183: Show Me The Money
Daily Blog Challenge Day 183/365
Recent events have reminded me that we only know what others want us to know. This is true with our personal relationships and on a global scale. Media is a powerful tool, but at the end of the day we need to remember that someone is deciding what is news.
I also strongly believe that most things come down to money. Someone, somewhere is making lots of money based on every decision.
This is frightening to me because I want to know the truth in order to make informed decisions and it is often hard to know who/what to believe. We need to remember to teach our students to research, listen carefully and encourage them to be informed consumers.
We as a society consume media and there is money to be made. Stories that create an emotional response are more "popular" than other stories. We hear about the negatives far more often than the positives, but this does not mean the world is full of only negativity. Negative stories get people talking more than uplifting stories.
Remember we are at the mercy of what someone else thinks is important and that importance is more than likely linked to ratings and money.
Thank you for reading.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Day 182: Staying on Topic
Daily Blog Challenge Day 182/365
Should blogs be about one thing?
I understand some blogs having a theme, but in terms of personal blogs, I think they can be multi themed. I write mostly about education, but there are many oher facets of my life. Does this mean I should have a separate blog for each one? Honestly, I go back and forth on this.
This daily blog challenge is stretching me because I find myself running out of ideas. This is partly due to the fact I did not keep on the pace of writing once a day. It is also because I originally limited myself to educational related posts only.
Out of a need to come up with more ideas and a desire to write, I am going to stretch the themes of this blog. My life is consumed by teaching at times, but there are also many other things I am passionate about.
How do you set up your blog? How has your blog transformed over time?
Thank you for reading.
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