Saturday, April 4, 2015


I have been focusing on ways to get my students to internalize the beat.  One activity that I have started using and have seen success with is having my students sway from right to left keeping a steady beat.  While we sway I have them clap different rhythms.

This activity started as a way to help my students get their wiggles out while we practiced rhythm, but I quickly realized how helpful it was for my students.  It is also a great way to assess their understanding and to give them extra practice at enhancing their gross motor skills.


  • Start by having students sway from right to left (I have them mirror me.)  Depending on the class, I act a bit goofy and exaggerate the movements.  Feet shoulder width apart and sway with my arms above me head.
  • Once most students have this down I start with clapping and chanting quarter notes (ta, ta, ta ta).
  • I ask them if they can feel the beat and we work on this for a while.  I want them to feel and hear the beat.
  • Once they have this much down, we start clapping different rhythms.  I start with simple ta and ti-ti rhythms.  I clap/chant them first and they echo them back.
  • Eventually we add half notes and whole notes.  With my younger students we start with walk-ing (ta, ta), runn-ing (ti-ti) and slid-ing (ta-a).

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