Saturday, April 18, 2015

Day 18: What Small Step are You Willing to Take to Elevate the Profession?

Doing "big" things to elevate my profession are things that are very outside of my comfort zone.  I know I need to push myself and each year I look for new ways to advocate for music and move my profession forward.

I believe that we need to start in our classrooms.  One of the best ways to advocate for music is to have a school full of students and parents who will stand up for music and the arts.  I do this by creating engaging lessons and organizing performances that are fun and educational.  Along with my students, it is important to get the school on board.  These conversations are not always easy.  Especially when it comes to budget cuts and stereotypes about the arts.

There are many levels when it comes to elevating our profession.  We need to start at "home" and continue the move outwards.  

Ways to Impact our Profession

I am willing to do more for our profession and I need to find ways to use my strengths while also supporting music and education.

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