Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 16: Why are PLCs and PLNs Important?

Why are PLCs and PLNs Important? Different? Contribute to school success?

I see PLCs and PLNs as a matter of semantics.  Regardless of what you call it, educators need a professional group to help them stay encouraged, directed, motivated and growing.

Being connected with the coworkers in your building and district is important.  Our schools are stronger when the staff works together and is connected towards a common goal of student learning.  In order for student learning to increase, staff learning needs to increase too.

Social Media allows teachers to connect globally.  As the only music teacher in my district, I find social media to be vital for my growth as a teacher.  On Twitter, I can connect with music teachers all over the globe who are using methods that I want to use in my classroom.  I can learn about new ideas, techniques, methods and resources.

Educators need to continue to grow and PLCs/PLNs help this growth.

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