Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 25th: Why Collaborate?

"The Smarted Person in the Room is the Room"

This is why we need to collaborate.  Why do I want to limit myself to what I know, what my department knows, what my school knows or what my district knows?  Collaboration allows us to learn from each other and grow as teachers and people.

We raise the bar and the possibilities when we work with others and allow their experiences and knowledge to influence our growth.

Teaching can be an isolating profession and sometimes working with others makes a job harder, but it is only through new ideas that we can learn and grow.

Collaboration can take on a few different forms.  You can collaborate on a lesson and teach it together, you can have a conversation about a student or strategy or collaborate on an idea.  The main point is that you are reaching out to someone else and gaining ideas in order to make your teaching better.

Collaborating is a necessary life skill, so we need to model it for our students.

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