Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer PD Goals

This is the first summer in my adult life that I have stayed in the same city during the summer. This is also the first summer I get to spend with my husband, so I am looking forward to spending time doing fun things: golfing, hiking, biking, camping and grilling out. I also want to spend time this summer on activities that will help me to become a better teacher. 

My Summer Steps to Making Myself a Better Teacher
1. Complete the six part Google Apps Training Courses: I work in a Google Apps District and these courses will help me learn how to use these Apps better.

2. Lesson Planning:  I brought home a crate of books and resources to help me improve my lessons next year. I am in the middle of rewriting the K-4 Music Curriculum and these resources will help me solidify my ideas. 

3.  Reading: I have started the Book A Day Challenge. So far I have read eleven books in ten days.  Reading allows me to expand my ideas and viewpoints. I am balancing my summer reading list with fun books, children's books (exploring possibilities for next year), religious books and teaching/coaching books. 

4. Runner's World Holiday Run Streak: I have dedicated myself to run at least a mile every day between May 28th and July 4th. I will be able to serve my students and school better if I am physically and mentally healthy. 

5. Play Music: I brought my guitar and drum set home for the summer and I look forward to spending time practicing. As a music teacher, it is vital that I keep my skills as a musician strong. 

6. Social Media: Twitter, Google+ and Facebook are all platforms that allow teachers to share information and ideas. I have been using Twitter all school year, but I am new to Google+ and I have not used Facebook a lot for professional purposes. 

7. Online Classes: I recently came across an article on Zite that talked about free online classes. Many of these are focused on technology and I plan to complete a few of them.

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