Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It is OK...

I recently started listening to a Podcast about living a healthy life: physically, mentally and spiritually.  My biggest take away so far is the philosophy that it is ok.  It is ok to not be a master of everything and we need to embrace our weaknesses.  Out society teaches us that we need to show off our strengths and hide our weaknesses.  There is a time for that, but we become stronger people when we focus on our weaknesses.  When we are honest with ourselves about what we struggle with, we can create a plan that builds our weaknesses into strengths.  I am entering my fifth year of teaching and I have learned a ton in four years of teaching.  This previous year was one of growth and embracing technology and I am excited about my future years in education.  Being honest with myself about my strengths and weaknesses will help me continue to grow as an educator and person.

What are your struggles?  What areas could use some strengthening?  We all have them, but we usually try to ignore them.  We need to reflect out our individual weaknesses and we need to teach our students this valuable skill.

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