Saturday, December 30, 2017

One Word 2018

Made with Canva.

I have tried to pick "One Word" to focus my year a few times and to be honest they have not been very effective. I do well for a month or so and then I forget all about my word. Life gets busy and I forget to focus on the big picture and what I want to accomplish. In 2015 my word was Focus and in 2017 my word was Me. I have decided my word for 2018 is Intentional.

The dictionary definition:
Intentional (adj.)
1. Done on purpose, deliberately
2. By concise design of purpose
3. Performed with purpose

I have the habit of getting focused on something and letting it derail me. Usually it is how messy I think my house is or all the school work I feel I need to get done. During 2018 I want to focus on what is truly important: (my spiritual, mental and physical health), my family, my friends and my students/schools and I want to be intentional with my time and energy. I often complain about there not being enough time in a day and although I truly believe life would be easier with a 26 or 28 hour day, but I know it's not going to change. I need to be intentional with my 24 hours.

The book Chop Wood, Carry Water is a fable about being intentional during little tasks. Doing little tasks with great energy and focus. It's the routine decisions everyday that make or break our successes. Being a great mom, wife, person or teacher is not about doing one amazing act. It is about all the little decisions and actions everyday. It's about chopping wood and carrying water.

I have said many times this past year that a calendar is only helpful if I look at it. 2018 is going to be my year of focused and intentional work. I am going to follow the ALBR model that is explained in 'Own Your Future'. Act, Learn, Build, Repeat. Plan, act, learn and repeat. This requires taking the time to plan and then actually following the plan. It is process that starts with being intentional about what I am trying to accomplish.

Players to a safe and happy ending for 2017 and a wonderful beginning to 2018. 

What is your word for 2018?

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