Tuesday, December 26, 2017

My Calling

I am just a music teacher.

I am just a mom.

I am JUST...

What if all I ever am is a teacher?  Am I a failure if I don't become an administrator or a school leader?

I realize how lame these questions sound as I type them but they have been bothering me. What if I am not called to be anything more than a leader of my classroom (aka a teacher)?

When I was in 6th grade I wrote that I would have to loose my mind to go into education. I strongly believe that I have been called into this profession and I believe my life experiences have helped prepare me for teaching. I have to admit it hurts my ego when I hear about others being asked into higher roles. Even if administration is not something I am interested in, part of me feels like I am a failure.

I spend a lot of time and energy keeping my house organized and taking care of stuff for my kids. In the moment, it does not always seem worthwhile. My identity has become wrapped in what I do and that is a very scary place.
I am more than a clean house, a job title or my family. Being intentional about being me is the first journey on my 2018 path.

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