Saturday, December 30, 2017

One Word 2018

Made with Canva.

I have tried to pick "One Word" to focus my year a few times and to be honest they have not been very effective. I do well for a month or so and then I forget all about my word. Life gets busy and I forget to focus on the big picture and what I want to accomplish. In 2015 my word was Focus and in 2017 my word was Me. I have decided my word for 2018 is Intentional.

The dictionary definition:
Intentional (adj.)
1. Done on purpose, deliberately
2. By concise design of purpose
3. Performed with purpose

I have the habit of getting focused on something and letting it derail me. Usually it is how messy I think my house is or all the school work I feel I need to get done. During 2018 I want to focus on what is truly important: (my spiritual, mental and physical health), my family, my friends and my students/schools and I want to be intentional with my time and energy. I often complain about there not being enough time in a day and although I truly believe life would be easier with a 26 or 28 hour day, but I know it's not going to change. I need to be intentional with my 24 hours.

The book Chop Wood, Carry Water is a fable about being intentional during little tasks. Doing little tasks with great energy and focus. It's the routine decisions everyday that make or break our successes. Being a great mom, wife, person or teacher is not about doing one amazing act. It is about all the little decisions and actions everyday. It's about chopping wood and carrying water.

I have said many times this past year that a calendar is only helpful if I look at it. 2018 is going to be my year of focused and intentional work. I am going to follow the ALBR model that is explained in 'Own Your Future'. Act, Learn, Build, Repeat. Plan, act, learn and repeat. This requires taking the time to plan and then actually following the plan. It is process that starts with being intentional about what I am trying to accomplish.

Players to a safe and happy ending for 2017 and a wonderful beginning to 2018. 

What is your word for 2018?

Friday, December 29, 2017


I don't know if paper.lil is still the "cool" thing but I started my own paper. I quickly discovered that it is an easy way to stay up to date on news in areas that I care about: education, music and physical education.

I want to share resources and information and I want to stay current in the fields that are important to me. I am striving to share more resources and tools during 2018.
Do you have a paper.lil? Do you follow any papers?

Accepting this Phase

I am in my 9th of teaching. My husband is a teacher/principal and we have two girls under the age of three.

I am not the thought leader of a building, I don't have a TpT store, I don't vlog, I don't have my masters, I have not created a hashtag or started a movement on Twitter, I haven't written a book and no one is calling me to give a keynote. I try to blog because I need to get thoughts out of my head and writing helps me reflect. If I am being honest with myself it is also because I want to feel valued, like I have something to offer.

I am a teacher. I am a parent of young kids who often don't sleep, which means I often don't sleep. As I write this, I am laying on the floor in Kiddo 1's room because she woke up and wanted me to sleep by her (she has a bed but she got a new sleeping bag for Christmas and according to a three year old, you have to use it on the floor.) My girls are more used to mommy at nighttime because daddy was busy for the last two years getting his masters and being a principal. My life is full of laundry, dishes, keeping a house organized, packing lunches and taking care of my family while also trying to be the best teacher I can for my other "kids."

2017 was a year of me coming to terms with this and to be honest I am not all the way there. As an independent person who moved to Alaska for a teaching job on my own, it is hard to accept the fact that my career and opportunities I can take have to fit around my family. It is a hard pill to swallow. My family is in the phase where I have to take on more responsibility at home so my husband can further his career. I know it is a phase but that does not make it easy.

I have two choices. I can accept this reality or I can let it upset me. I have spent most of 2017 (read all of 2017) fighting it and letting it upset me. Letting it get me angry and frustrated. One year of that is enough in my opinion. It is not good for me, my family or anyone who has to be around me. 2018 is the year that I learn to accept the facts. Right now it is my job to take care of my kids and enjoy the cuddles and laughter while they are young. This role doesn't show up on a resume but it is still important. Right now I am "just" a mom and a teacher, but I am going to stride to be the best I can at both of these responsibilities. At times, I feel like a failure for not having a more impressive job but I am slowly learning to accept it. Good thing I have 365 more days to learn.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

My Calling

I am just a music teacher.

I am just a mom.

I am JUST...

What if all I ever am is a teacher?  Am I a failure if I don't become an administrator or a school leader?

I realize how lame these questions sound as I type them but they have been bothering me. What if I am not called to be anything more than a leader of my classroom (aka a teacher)?

When I was in 6th grade I wrote that I would have to loose my mind to go into education. I strongly believe that I have been called into this profession and I believe my life experiences have helped prepare me for teaching. I have to admit it hurts my ego when I hear about others being asked into higher roles. Even if administration is not something I am interested in, part of me feels like I am a failure.

I spend a lot of time and energy keeping my house organized and taking care of stuff for my kids. In the moment, it does not always seem worthwhile. My identity has become wrapped in what I do and that is a very scary place.
I am more than a clean house, a job title or my family. Being intentional about being me is the first journey on my 2018 path.

A New Path

I recently read a tweet and saw a video that have stuck with me.

The tweet: "Greatness does not come without sacrifice."
The video: How would you evaluate your teaching? How would you evaluate your family? Can both receive the top score at the same time?

There is a movement right now called Kids Deserve It. Full disclosure, I have not read the book. I'm sure it is a great book but the name rubs me the wrong way. I truly believe the authors have the best of intentions, but sometimes what I see other's write in response to the moment worries me. Yes, I agree. I think kids deserve it. I have no issues with the idea and I am really not trying to bash them. Many of the teachers seem like amazing teachers, but I do think we have to be careful about the words we use. I also believe my family and I deserve it too. If we are not careful we become martyrs and do things because it is what is "best for kids" while we neglect our own health and families.

This last year has been rough. To say I have not handled it well at times would be an understatement. Leaving a position, moving to another state, interviewing and starting two new schools in the span of 6 weeks all while trying to keep my family safe and thriving has been a challenge. It has been hard! I work at two great schools but meeting the high expectations for myself often comes at a cost. Unfortunately my family and my own health are often the victims.
January 1st offers us a fresh start. A new outlook and hopefully a refreshed mind and body as we enter the second semester in our schools. I have tried to do the One Word project and I am reusing a word I tried a few years ago, intentional. I am going to live my life intentionally. I have spent much of the last six months with my life running me and I disliked every minute of it. Nothing will change if I am not intentional. Instead of resolutions I want plans. How I am going to achieve my dreams is far more important than what I am going to achieve.

Receiving a high score on an evaluation is not worth the sacrifice to my family. I don't know all the answers but I know the path I have been on for the last 6 months is the wrong one. The stress, the sleep deprivation, the anger and the lack of focus is not worth it. There has to be a way to be successful at home and at school. 2018 is my year to be intentional about both areas of my life. My kids in my classroom, my kids at home, my husband, family and friends and myself all deserve it. Here is to 2018! Living intentionally and finding a better path. It's not one or the other. There has to be a way to be healthy, have a strong family and also be a successful teacher. During 2018 it is my mission to figure out how to do this. 

Sunday, December 17, 2017

What Are Your Strengths?

What are your strengths? 
What are you good at? 
How can you help move your classroom/school/district/company forward? 
What values/ideas do you hold dear?
What do you bring to an organization/school?

Many different conversations and thoughts have led to these reflections and it is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. What do I bring to a school? What are my strengths? What am I good at? What can I do? What is my philosophy? What is my mission? I don't mean any of these questions to be interview questions. They are intended to be reflections. They are not statements to make me look good or boxes checked on LinkedIn to make me look impressive. These questions are about soul searching. If we are not intentional, we will discover we have been moving the wrong direction and working towards the wrong thing. 

Sometimes during our careers we need to simply have a job. We need to pay our bills. Other times we need to take on positions because our organization needs us to. I have had to do both of these during my career. I look forward to being in a position where I can help move something forward and I can use my strengths for the betterment of the school. 

Anyone can "babysit" kids for a class period and keep them occupied, but what are you bringing to the classroom that will positively impact your students and your school?

Book Review: The No Complaining Rule

The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work

Over Thanksgiving Break I started and finished 'No Complaining Rule' by Jon Gordon. I appreciate books I can read quickly and I love books that have a "simple" message. I know simple is not always easy to implement, but they are easier ideas to digest and hopefully I can implement them quicker.  Change is always a process. This book is set up as a fable, so I found it easier to understand the concepts Gordon is trying to teach. There was one main idea that stood out to me.

I don't like ____, BUT ______.

I found this to be the most powerful idea in the book. When we spew complaints we are venting and not sharing anything positive. The stories we tell ourselves impact how we see the world which in turns impacts how we feel. Just because we don't complain does not mean that everything in our life is going great and that we are happy all the time, but it does mean that we are telling ourselves positive stories. The "I don't like ____, BUT ______" statement let us say our complaint while framing it in a positive way. For example, "I don't like my commute, BUT I am glad I have time to listen to audio books." "I don't like that my children don't sleep through the night, BUT I appreciate the extra cuddles." This tool has been powerful when I remember to use it. These statements allow me to recognize my frustration but also say it in a more positive way. 

Book: The No Complaining Rule

Author: Jon Gordon

Main Message: Complaining creates separation and negative energy. I can still express negative thoughts, but it is about how I frame them and the words I use.

Key Points I Want to Remember: "I don't like ____, BUT ______."

Actions Steps: It takes conscious effort and intentional behavior to make change.