Saturday, February 3, 2018

It's an Opportunity

One of my principals shared this video in his weekly memo. It resonated with me and made me reflect. My grandmother would always say she had to have a talk with herself when her attitude was not good. Outlook and what we say to ourselves are vital to a healthy life. 

I complain a lot. My husband is usually the one to hear my complaints: not enough sleep, the girls up a lot, stress at school, running behind, so much to do and the list goes on and on. The past two years have been stressful. With one child, I felt like we were able to keep a lot of our same routines from our pre-children days. With two children, this was no longer possible. Things had to adjust and change. New responsibilities were added and a few things had to stop being part of my routine. 

My husband has often heard me complain about being at two schools. It is not ideal for many reasons and at times I have been overwhelmed by this school year. Being a part of two districts makes things more complicated. BUT, it is also a great opportunity. I have worked in many schools during my teaching career. Working at many schools has allowed me to learn and see how many districts operate, which have given me more ideas and allowed (often forced) me to try new and different things. I have learned so much from being part of all of these schools and teaching different subjects and grades. I think my teaching would be very different if I had not had all of these experiences. I don't think I would have grown as much as a teacher. Each job has helped me get better and to grow.

Watching this video made me change my attitude and focus. Yes, I have things to complain about, but I also have many opportunities. At the end of the day, I am going to be working at two schools for the forcible future and there will be nights when my girls do not sleep. I can either look at the negatives about these events or I can find positives and look at the opportunities. I have the opportunity to create music and has a positive influence on more students while working at two schools than I would if I was only at one school. I have the opportunity to spend extra time with my girls while they are young. I get extra cuddles and get to share more experiences with them. I can't always change the event, but I can change my outlook and attitude.

What do you get to do today? What opportunities are awaiting you?

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