Thursday, November 23, 2017


At a Teacher's Conference I attended this year, the keynote said we should not feel isolated because of social media. Social medial allows us to connect with other people and we no longer have to teach on our own little island. Part of me agrees with this and Twitter has saved my teaching career numerous times. Sharing, having conversations and connecting with other teachers has helped me stay away from complete burn out. Not all time on social media is created equal. Not all of is it beneficial and sometimes interactions are shallow or nonexistent. 

Over the past year, I have been struggling with Facebook. I see all the "happy" people with "perfect" lives and it makes me feel like I don't measure up. I don't always feel happy or perfect. However, when it is just the kids and I at home, Facebook is often the only connection that resembles a conversation with an adult. Deep down, I know it is not a real connection, but sometimes it is all I have. I find it to be a touch balance.  I post pictures and random thoughts. In someways I think it is a way to prove to myself that I am relevant. I am not JUST taking care of my kids. I am not JUST a teacher. What I do matters. Part of me is afraid the struggles of everyday life will be a waste. It will all be for nothing.

It's a tough balance. Education experts often say relationships are key and I agree 100 percent. We need to remember this in all aspects of our lives. It is not just in teacher. Relationships all across the board matter. Social media makes communicating easier but I think we need to be careful that is does not become our sole form of communication. It is a balancing act, much like life is in general. 

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