This spring I volunteered to organize curriculum for Third Grade Computers. My district does not have a computer teacher at the elementary level and the new schedule setup includes greater computer lab time for each class. I taught computers at a previous school and I enjoy building websites, so I volunteered to set everything up for the classroom teachers.
In May, my husband accepted a new position which requires our family to relocate this summer. I did not want to go back on my word, so I made time to start building a website for 3rd Grade Computers. It is not completely done yet, but I had a lot of fun creating it and I hope it is something my former coworkers and other teachers find helpful. Right now I prefer Weebly for building websites. I have used it for my personal website/blog and for my other class websites. I know Google Sites recently came out with an update but I have not had time to explore the new setup. I would love to hear your thoughts on the new Google Sites.
Students have computers every other day throughout the school year. I tried to setup the website so the classroom teachers who teach the class could pick and choose and do things the way they think will work best. The general idea is to do keyboarding and blogging on a regular basis with other projects: Digital Citizenship/Media Literacy, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Google Sites, Google Maps, Coding and Games.
Third Grade Computers
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