Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 319: Treat People Well

Daily Blog Challenge Day 319/365

As an elementary teacher I am routinely telling my students "just because s/he is being mean does not mean you need to." It seems like such a simple philosophy, but it is a daily challenge for my students.  I had to finally admit to myself that I too struggle with this.

It is easy to be kind when others are kind, but how do I treat others when I am annoyed and frustrated with them? During these times it is a challenge to still treat them well.  It is easy to come up with a hundred reasons (excuses) for treating others poorly based on my current situation.

No one wants to be around people who are only nice when things are going well. These types of people make life more stressful. The gut check for me was realizing that I am often one of these people. At times, I am the person who is happy when the times are good and cranky when things are challenging.  It is often easier to get sucked into this mindset that to stay focused on the mission of treating people well regardless of what is going on.  

Everyone deserves to be treated well all the time, not just when things are going well.  This is a challenge for me, but now that I see the behavior in myself I am able to work on it.

How to you make sure you are always treating people well?

Thank you for reading.

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