Over the past six years, I have tried many things: blog challenge, fitness challenges and reading challenges to name a few. I tend to expect too much from myself and my schedule and I end up short on many these challenges. The lessons I have learned from these challenges come from trying and not from always being successful.
It is hard to be reminded of my failures. Pushing the delete button gets rid of the physical evidence of the failure, but the failure is still there and pretending that I am perfect is not being honest to myself. I have written many lame posts and I have tried to do too much with too little time. It is a process. It is learning. Seeing many old posts reminds me about where I started and how far I have come.
I think this is why I am so insecure about people I know following me on Twitter or reading my Blog. I worry about saying something stupid and people I actually know seeing it. It is different when a random person sees it, but it becomes personal when it is someone I know. I prefer to live my life in isolation, not open to criticism or opinions. I need to step outside my comfort zone on this one. The first step was simply starting. Now I need to actively share. Master one thing and move on to the next.
What challenges you to step outside your comfort zone?
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