Thursday, December 29, 2016

One Word: 2017

'One Word' seems to be the new way of doing New Year's Resolutions.  The past two years, I have tried to pick a 'One Word' with the hope sit would help me focus my life and energy to make the most out of the next year.  After a few weeks, I tend to get overwhelmed with life and forget about my 'One Word' altogether.  This year I am going to take the opportunity that a new year brings to refocus my life and energy in a positive direction.

2016 has been a challenge at times.  Life is challenging at times.  Being an adult is challenging at times.  Two young kids, a husband, a job, a house and all of the responsibilities that come with each of these can feel overwhelming at times.  As I look back over this year I realize that many of my feelings of anger and frustration are caused by the same issues and most of these issues boil down to me not having enough time for me.  I know this is a common struggle for many moms and it is completely normal, but I still want to try to make things better and easier.

It may sound selfish and I don't mean to take it to an extreme, but my 'One Word' for 2017 is Me.  I have a wonderful family, but at the end of the day I am responsible for taking care of myself.  When I am tired and cranky, I am not the best mom, wife, friend or person I can be.  Now, this does not mean that I am going to forget about those around me and only think about myself. It means that I am going to think about filling my cup.  Often I become too worried about my family that I don't take care of myself as much as I should.

I vow to take care of myself in 2017.  I want to be the best mom/wife/teacher/person that I can be.  I need to make myself a priority (I think this is a struggle for many moms and women in general).  I have created a plan to help take care of all aspects of myself: spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.  I know my plan will need to be adjusted at times, but I am hoping it is a realistic plan that meets my needs and goals.

Spiritually:  Start the day with a Bible Study (YouVersion Bible App).  End the day with the daily readings from THE BIBLE in a year (YouVersion Bible App).

Mentally:  Take time each week to do something for me.  Listen to audio books during my commute, listen to podcasts/music while I workout, read a book for fun, take a nap, soak my feet or take a bath.  Play music and learn at least one new song a month.

Physically:  Run or walk 2017 miles in 2017.  I thought about doing this challenge in years past, but it always seemed overwhelming.  I am going to walk and run and hope to have my husband join in on the challenge.  5.5 miles a day will be a challenge, but I believe many positives will come from my time working out. We have a treadmill that I want to use more and I want to make walking a priority.  Fresh air is good for me and it is good for my kids.  I am not signing up for the challenge, but I am going to keep track of my miles on my own.

Emotionally:  I am going to be intentional about feeding the positive dog (Positive Dog by Jon Gordan).  I am going to journal daily and keep a gratitude list.  I will continue to work on my Mental Toughness.  I will treat people well, be thankful and have a positive attitude regardless of my situation (Train 2B Clutch).

One of the biggest lessons I learned during 2016 is that being positive and energetic is not always easy or automatic.  It takes effort to look past the negatives and to focus on the positives in life.  It takes effort to have energy everyday and to stay focused on treating people well, being thankful and having a positive attitude.  Even people who look like they have it all figured out have to work at it everyday.  Being positive is a constant choice.


  1. I LOVE that you are brave enough to choose this word and spread a message that so many of us need to hear. Your blogs and tweets are always so full of real life - the ups and the downs - not just the "social media picture" that can be so easy to paint. That idea of choosing every day to be positive is one that is worth remembering!

    1. Thank you Aubrey for taking the time to read this post.I appreciated your blog post about your #OneWord. Thank you for reminding me of the different ways we can Lead.
