Trying to live an undaunted life through the arenas of faith, education, parenting and life.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Weekly Review: 12/5/2015
Personal Development
Personal (relationships/family/friends)
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Happiness: Day 1
Today I am thankful for my husband. He is a constant source of encouragement, laughter, information (mostly random and useless), updated weather reports and he continually deals with my sleep derivation crankiness, which I am grateful for everyday.
This may be taking the easy way out for day one, but he is a true blessing in my life and someone I need to be more intentional about thanking and being thankful for. I truly believe we can never tell our loved ones how much we care and love for them too much. The most important people in our lives need to be told this often.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Brown Bear, Brown Bear Rhythms
I used the book 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' to reinforce ta and ti-ti rhythms in my First Grade classes. We read the book, played the singing game 'Grizzly Bear' and students created their own rhythm patterns by connecting different animals.
Morning Ritual
One of the common topics during many of the podcasts that I listen to, in terms of personal development, is starting the morning off right by having a great routine. Now, my ideal morning does not happen very often and I am thrilled if my plan worms out 2-3 times a week. The sleep schedule of a one year old is not always conducive to waking up early.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Podcast Favorites
2. EduAll Stars
3. The Project Life Mastery Podcast
4. Love and Logic
5. Rapid Fire
6. Switch on Pop
7. Take Back Your Life
8. The Charged Life
9. The City Church
10. The Productive Women
Open Loops
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
The Breakup
Why didn't they stay?
What did I do wrong?
Maybe I need to find a new profession.
Maybe I made too many mistakes.
Maybe I'm not meant to be a teacher or a coach.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
Anything You Can Do..
Do they see people responding positively to frustration?
Do they see people practicing new skills?
Do they see people acting kind towards others?
Do they see people having positive interactions?
Do they see people fail (and respond with a positive attitude)?
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Lessons Learned from a Summer Coaching Youth Sports
- Have a parent meeting and set clear guidelines and expectations.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help during practice. Parents can hit, catch or toss so that more kids can be participating at one time.
- Don't assume anything.
- Be clear and kind.
- Ask your players to explain their thinking.
- Ask questions.
- Listen
- Spend 1:1 time talking with each player.
- Spend 1:1 time on player development.
- Some kids will go home and be told everything they did wrong, some kids will go home and be told everything was great. Know which kid is which and be intentional with your words to each.
- Be organized.
- Be early.
- Set the tone.
- Set clear routines and expectations.
- Practice and model everything you want them to do.
- Say more positives than negatives.
- Players often do not see their progress the same as you.
This Moment
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
A New Year of Blogging
One reason I like blogging is that others may read it. This forces me to reflect and write in a manner that will not get me fired or embarrass my family. This process is vital for me. Sometimes a situation can be overwhelmingly negative and writing in a public space allows me to work thru these thoughts and emotions in a more positive way. I know at times I publish too quickly and I apologize for any typos or mistakes.
During the 2015-2016 school year I want to focus more on sharing resources and lesson plans. I will also being sharing my random thoughts, but I want this blog to evolve to be more than just my thoughts.
I have no way of knowing how many people actually read this blog and at the end of the day it does not really matter. My goal is to create lessons that are worth sharing. That is the bottom line because that will help my students.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I enjoy the extended conversations that occur in the comments. Blessings on a wonderful new school year! Lets make this one the best one yet.
World Wall 2015
- Beat
- Steady Beat
- Sing
- Talk
- Shout
- Whisper
- Rhythm Syllables
- High
- Low
- Up
- Down
- Waltz
- Beats of 2
- Beats of 3
- Beats of 4
- Stepping Song
- Instrument Families
- Woodwind
- Brass
- Flue
- Trumpet
- Percussion
- Drum
- String
- Violin
- Loud
- Soft
- Tempo
- Fast
- Slow
- Long
- Short
- Found Sound
- Singing Voice
- Performance
First Grade
- Beat
- Measure
- Steady Beat
- Strong Beat
- Weak Beat
- Meter
- Waltz
- Ostinato
- Rhythm
- Bar Line
- Pitch
- Low
- High
- Mi
- Sol
- Sing
- Short
- Talk
- Lungs
- Breathing
- Whisper
- Solo
- Vocal Chords
- Lines
- Spaces
- La
- Treble Clef
- Mallet
- Staff
- Song
- Melody
- Melodic Direction
- Notes
- Rests
- Duration
- Length
- Tempo
- Presto
- Moderato
- Largo
- Dynamics
- Forte
- Piano
- Cresendo
- Decresendo
- String
- Percussion
- Pitched
- Non Pitched
- AB Form
- ABA Form
- Chorus
- Verse
- Repeat Sign
- Performance
Second Grade
- Beat
- Steady Beat
- Strong Beat
- Weak Beat
- Medly
- Meter
- Waltz
- Conducting
- Conductor
- Improvisation
- Ostinato
- Rhythm
- Partner Songs
- Staff
- Home Tone
- Diaphrahm
- Pentatonic Scale
- Phrase
- Melodic Direction
- Step
- Skip
- Repeated Notes
- Compower
- Ornaments
- Baroque Period
- Duration
- Quarter Note
- Quarter Rest
- Whole Rest
- Whole Note
- Half Rest
- Half Note
- Dynamics
- Forte
- Piano
- Fortisimmo
- Pianisimmo
- Cresendo
- Decresendo
- Embouchure
- Lyrics
- Melody
- Composition
- Verse
- Chorus
- AB Form
- ABA Form
- ABACA Form
- Repeat
- Performance
Third Grade
- Ostinato
- Meter Sign
- Rhythm
- Round/Canon
- Range
- Musical Alphabet
- Soprano
- Alto
- Tenor
- Bass
- Pentatonic Scale
- Improvisation
- Interval
- Lines
- Spaces
- String Quartet
- Classical Period
- 16th Notes
- Whole Note
- Whole Rest
- Crescendo
- Decrescendo
- Mezzo Forte
- Mezzo Piano
- Recorder
- Woodwind
- Note A
- Note B
- Blues
- 1st/2nd Ending
- Treble Clef
- Measure
- Metronome
- Acc.
- Rit.
- Largo
- Moderato
- Molto
- Presto
- Chords
- Harmony
- Major
- Minor
- ABA Form
- Rondo Form
- Verse
- Chorus
Summer of Reading 2015
- Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess
- Drive by Daniel Pink
- 50 Things You Can Do with Google Classroom by Alice Keeler
- Teaching: Teaching Techniques (eBook)
- The Fireproof Teacher by John Spencer
- Life Lessons from Living with Luke (eBook)
- Mr. Miarcle by Debbie Macomber
- The Student Teaching Experience (eBook)
- 51 Ways to Love Your Enemies (eBook)
- The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller
- Second Time to Die by Tess Gerristen
- Once Upon a Summer by Janette Oke
- Blogging (eBook)
- Live to See Tomorrow by Iris Johanson
- Your Personal Life Coach (eBook)
- Control Your Class (eBook)
- Passion Matters by Angela Maiers
- Subconscious Mind Power (eBook)
- Your Next Breath by Iris Johanson
- Mental Health Principals (eBook)
- Procrastination (eBook)
- The Carpenter by Jon Gordon
- Accelerated Learning (eBook)
- Personal by Lee Child
- Players First by John Caliparai
- Success (eBook)
- Perfect Mindset (eBook)
- Gospel of John (eBook)
- Achieve Anything (eBook)
- ADHD (eBook)
- The Matheny Manifesto by Mike Matheny
- Last One Home by Debbie Macomber
- Womens Murder Club #14 by James Patterson
- Code of Conduct by Brad Thor
- Learning by Choice by A.J Juliani
- The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
- 10 Miracles by Jeff Sanders (eBook)
- The 5 am Miracle by Jeff Sanders (eBook)
- Move Your Bus by Ron Clark
Why I Deactivated My Class Dojo Account
Last week my husband asked if I would walk to the bank after summer reading program to pick up our checks. On my way there, I stopped and talked to a former student of mine who was riding his bike around town. I asked him about his summer and he told me about being pumped for football, planning how he was going to get to practice and which friends were in his class this year. I realized after talking to this boy for a few minutes that I did not recognize his voice and I could not remember the last time I had a 1:1 conversation with him. I know I had conversations about behavior and paying attention, but I don't remember just talking with this boy.
At the beginning of this week I was finishing up a run around town when I came across another former student playing in front of her house. I asked her about her summer and she told me about what she has been up to and how she is excited because she got the teacher she wanted again this year. Just like a week ago, I realized I did not recognize her voice. She is a very quiet student and I don't remember really talking to her.
These interactions made me sad and sick to my stomach. I teach music, so I see all students in the school every week. With students constantly entering and leaving my room, it is easy to miss the small opportunities to talk and interact with my students. This also helped in my reflection about being intentional. I have to be intentional about my interactions with my new staff and students. These two interactions and my reflection afterwards led me to deactivating my Class Dojo account.
I am at a bigger school this year and my number one goal is to take advantage of every opportunity I can to interact with my students. I loved many of the capabilities of Class Dojo, but I always struggled with using it consistently and I felt like it got in the way of interactions between my students and myself. Now, this could be because of me the user and have little to do with the program. I am not sure, but I do no that for me personally, it was not working so it was time to come up with a new system. As much as I love technology, sometimes a paper grade book, post-it notes and face to face communications work the best.
My husband and I are trying to teach our daughter baby sign language. We started with the sign for more please when she was six months old. She picked up on more quickly, but just started signing please. The tricky thing with sing language (learning any new skill) is that we have to use it often. When we are talking to our daughter we need to sign the words we want her to use. Doing it once or twice will not help her learn it. At the beginning we were good about signing 'more please' when we talked to her, but soon we stopped signing 'please' which is why it took her longer to learn it. Once we started being intentional about signing please and practicing it with her, she started signing it to us. This was a great reminder for me that we need to be very intentional with exposing her to the signs we want her to use.
I believe I will be very disappointed when I look back at my life if I do not live everyday with conventionality. Things will be left undone and I will not accomplish all of my goals.
One of the greatest tools for me to ensure that I am intentional is writing. First, I write a list of things I want to accomplish. Second, I may journal ideas and my thoughts about each activity (This depends on the activity. I do not do this for every day to do list items.) The last step is to come up with a plan: how am I going to accomplish this goal, when am I going to accomplish it and what other information or resources do I need to accomplish it.
Life moves quickly and without being intentional about our days, time will fly by even quicker. Having a list of goals or dreams is not enough, having an intentional plan is vital.
Thank you for reading!
What Being Up Until 3am Taught Me About Being Needed
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Three Years
- People can look at the same situation and see it very differently. When it comes to men and women, these differences are sometimes even greater.
- Don't assume anything. What I say and what he hears are not always the same thing and vise versa.
- When you are mad at someone, it is very easy to make a list of their faults. Don't let yourself get into a cycle of negativity.
- Be intentional about everything: how you treat others, how you talk to yourself, how you treat yourself and how you spend your time.
- We each value different things and we value them differently.
- Don't let how you feel dictate your life. You may not always feel like being kind but it is almost always the best choice.
- You will see what you focus on. You focus on their faults and you will see more of them.
- Your brain will see what you tell you tell it to see. How you answer: Marriage is ________ and my spouse is ________ are vital.
- Just because it makes sense in your head does not mean it makes sense to someone else.
- Let it go.
- Forgive.
- Don't keep a list of offenses.
- Be clear on what you expect.
- Chances are your spouse will not see everything the way you do.
- Keep your word.
- Give people a chance to process. Don't overreact due to their first reaction.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Using Our Knowledge
What Do You See?
Specialists are _____.
Parents are _____.
Teachers are _____.
(Person) is _____.
My husband is _____.
My daughter is _____.
I am _____.
Music is _____.
Teaching is _____.
(This group of kids) are _____.
Coaching is _____.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
What Are You Going To Do About It
You are frustrated.
You are feeling stressed.
You are angry with someone.
You are experiencing a challenge.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Student Portfolios
I am striving towards using more written work during music class. I think having students write music and practice these skills is a vital component (one that I usually overlook). In order to make the implementation easier for me, I have been brainstorming ideas. So far, I have come up with the following setuo, which I hope will allow me to collect and organize student work quickly and easily.
I am going to have a file folder for each student and they will be in number order by grade and class. Students will write their class number on their papers and as they will line up in number order. As they leave they will make a pile which will be in reverse order so all I have to do is put them in their folders. As the school year progresses, I think most of my classes will eventually be able to file by themselves.
Handout Ideas
1. Listening log
2. Instrument identification
3. Listening coloring activities
4. Daily/weekly reflection sheets
5. Exit slips
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Growing a Reader
Monday, June 8, 2015
- I could never be a stay at home mom they must be a better parent than I am.
- We don't do ___ all the time, they must be better parents than us.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
I will be honest, I never really understood this word until recently when my husband explained it to me. I remember being in interviews and making up answers because I didn't understand the word. Now I get it and after reading 'Drive' and 'The Fireproof Teacher' I have a better understanding of myself and my desire for autonomy.
One of my first jobs was teaching in a district with three elementary music teachers and it was a huge challenge. Not only was I a young teacher, I felt like I was always being compared to those teachers in my district. I figured out quickly that I prefer a situation where I am the only elementary music teacher in the district. I love learning from other teachers, but I prefer when I can do my own thing and not have group lessons.
One of my favorite school activities is setting up my classroom and creating bulletin boards. I realized after reading both of these that this is in large part because of I have complete autonomy over when I work, how I work and where I work. This is also why I enjoy teaching music as much as I do. What I teach is not dictated to the degree that other subjects.
An important concept to remember is that not all people and not all teachers like autonomy? What side do you fall on? I have realized that my stress level is significantly higher when I feel like I do not have autonomy over my career. How do you help put yourself in autonomous situations?
The Great Things
● Fifth graders created artist videos using a green screen.
● Our students read a lot of books!
● Many of our Kindergarten students read above grade level.
● Our students performed Crazy Train and Happy (along with other great pieces) for concerts.
● Amazing student art work always fills our halls.
● Fourth graders created a States Puzzle as they learned about each state.
● Amazing field trips gave our students learning opportunities outside of their classrooms.
● The school is field with amazing educators who truly care about their students.
Friday, June 5, 2015
67 Days
2. Run sixty-seven miles. This challenge is a mile a day. I am requiring myself to run a minimum of a mile a day.
Kindle Unlimited
-Many great education books are available.
-I can take as long as I need to read a book.
-A wide variety of books are available.
-I can have many books at my fingertips while not taking up physical space.
Monday, May 25, 2015
We Learn
Saturday, May 23, 2015
What We Need
Monday, May 11, 2015
4th Grade Choices
Sunday, May 10, 2015
One Third
The longer I teach, the more I realize that this philosophy almost always works.
Example One: Classroom Tickets
One group of students will act correctly regardless. One group of students will act correctly because they want tickets or are afraid of losing tickets. The last group of students will only behave correctly if the punishment is deemed bad enough. I have had students tell me on many occasions it is alright if they get in trouble because they are on green.
Example Two: Reading Rewards
One group of students will read because they love to read. One group of students will read if they really want that pizza or reward. The last group will probably not read regardless of the reward. This may be because they don't like reading or because there is no one at home to make sure they read each night.
Our goal should be to encourage students to want to do and be their best. Regardless of the reward or punishment. "Real" life does not always have clear cut rewards and punishments. We need to prepare our students for this life.