How much time do you spend per a day checking out Facebook?
I am working hard to cut down on the amount of time I spend on Facebook. Many times, I end of feeling sad or frustrated with my life. Facebook is a great way to connect but it shows one snapshot. It's similar to a standardized test. It should not be used to give a full picture. It is so easy to look at everyone's happy moments and feel defeated because their moments don't match up with how we feel about our life at the moment. It is not fair to ourselves to judge our challenges against the greatest hits we see from others online.
The other reflection I had during my journal time last week is time spent on Facebook does not equal the amount of time spent interacting with others. How often do we connect with friends, families or even strangers? We are surrounded by pictures and status updates, but we lack true human connection. We look at pictures and we see what is going on with our "friends" but we rarely connect with them and have real conversation.
At first, my goal was to limit my time on Facebook. I continued to not like how I felt after checking Facebook and my mental state, so last night I decided to delete the app from my phone. I am taking a break from Facebook right now. I am going to give myself time without the bumbarment of images and updates.
How do you spend time on Facebook? Do you find social media helpful? Have you ever taken a break from social media?
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