Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What Being Up Until 3am Taught Me About Being Needed

Last night my daughter woke up at 11:30 screaming.  Despite my husband's best efforts he could not get her to calm down.  It was not until I laid down with her that she sucked her thumb and relaxed.  The fussing was limited, but teething and a stomach ache made it impossible for her to fall asleep.  Eventually after a bit of running around, lots of cuddles and a snack, she finally fell asleep around three in the morning.  I love my sleep, but these moments of cuddles and jabbering melt my heart.

When is the last time you felt needed (for a positive reason)?  When is the last time you showed appreciation to someone you rely on?

We are all needed. Someone, somewhere needs someone (us) to guide, support, help, love and care for them.  Our students, family, friends and coworkers all need this from someone and there is no reason we can't be the one.  Now, I know we are all busy and we don't always have time, but little actions can go very far to improve the course of someone's day.

I am not suggesting you go hug or cuddle with your coworkers, but there are many ways we can help support each other (that won't creep others out or get you fired).  Listening and being present are two great ways to help those around you.  Sometimes we don't even have to help solve the issue.  Sometimes they need someone to listen.  I can't take away my daughters stomach ache or her pain from teething, but I can cuddle and be there for her as she deals with the situation.  I may not take the pain away, but sometimes I can make I can make it better by being there.

Someone needs you.  It may not feel like a big role, but it is important.  Be present, be loving, be helpful and be kind.  It may feel like a small action, but it may change someone's world you and you may never know which small action had the greatest impact.

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