Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sunday Thoughts

  1. Often misbehavior is tied to a fear of failure.
  2. Fear of failure is a learned behavior.
  3. students need to be excited to learn and grow.
  4. Schools need to work as a building to create a culture.
  5. A positive school wide culture is more successful than individual classroom cultures.
  6. We learn by doing.  Students need to spend time actively doing things.
  7. Tests can show you what students have mastered and what they still need to work on.
  8. Tests are only valuable if we use that information to improve instruction.
  9. People deserve to feel valued and appreciated.
  10. The reasons for your actions and how others interpret your actions may be very different.
  11. Communication is key.
  12. Always focus on relationships.
  13. The goal of disciple is to fix behavior not punish.
  14. Students will feed off of a teachers energy or lack of energy.
  15. Teachers set the tone.
  16. It's not about being easy.
  17. You will rarely know the whole story.
  18. Some will find a generic thank you insulting.
  19. Think before you speak.
  20. Spend 1:1 time with as many of your students as you can each day.
  21. Don't let the 5% take your energy away from the 95%.
  22. Set and keep a high expectation.

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