Monday, March 9, 2015

Today I Yelled

I made a vow at the beginning of the year that I would not yell.  I don't yell often to begin with but I realize it is not productive in the classroom (even though it usually produces short term results.)  I made the mistake of telling my students this and one class has taken it upon themselves as a challenge to make me yell all year.  They have come close a few times, but today there was not denying the fact that I yelled.  I could not cover it up as my just raising my voice.  Today is not one that I am proud of, but I am trying to learn and grow from the experience.

I know some of my students may think that I hate them because I get frustrated with them, but I hope they realize this is not the case.  I love and care about each one of them.  Much of my frustration comes from frustration in myself and my lack of ability to create lessons that they find engaging and exciting.  It's hard to try so hard and to continually fail.  It can eat at you after a while.

I want my students to love music, I want them to enjoy the journey of learning a new song or instrument.  They may not become professional musicians, but I hope they can experience the joy of making music throughout the course of their life.

Dear 4th Graders: 

I am deeply sorry that I lost my cool today and yelled during class.  I want nothing but the best for you and I want you to love music.  I am going to keep looking for something to perk your interest and I am not going to give up on you.

Mrs. Wren

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