Friday, September 12, 2014

What I Get To Do

Next week is my last week of maternity leave and I have mixed emotions. I am going to miss having the time at home, but I also miss my students and being in my classroom. The last three and a half weeks have been an eye opening experience. I never thought I would enjoy doing the stay at home thing and although I am not sure if I could do it long term, I have enjoyed the past few weeks. It's amazing how life can change us if we let it.

In all honesty, the first week home was incredibly rough. My husband and I were bickering more with each other and I was feeling like I HAD to do a lot of things. Now that my time is almost up I realize all the things I GET to do. Yes, I deal with more yucky diapers and more crying than my husband, but I get to wake up each morning to a smiley little girl knowing that if I want to lay in bed and cuddle with her I can. That is a true blessing!

Often I go through my day and think of all the things that I have to get done. We all live busy lives, but if I stop and reflect, I realize that I am able to do many incredible things. Working with my students and having an impact on them is far more important than a to do list (yes I realize I need to complete paperwork in order to keep my job).  It's all about perspective.

So, what do you get to do today?

Thank you for reading.

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