Saturday, October 24, 2015

Open Loops

How many items are on your To Do List? How many projects are on your mental To Do List? How many projects are partially complete? How many projects and activities do you think about on a daily/weekly basis?

One of the podcasts I listen to calls these open loops and for me, these add stress to my life. Until I listened to 'The 5 AM Miracle' I did not know what to call these projects or why they were causing me stress.  Each week I have two lists of projects; one I want to complete and one I must complete. Sometimes my personality makes the line between want and must confusing. I don't have to clean my house but for my sanity it must meet a certain level of clean. 

I am working very hard this school year to spend time each week completing these open loops. I want to get rid of hose mental lists of projects that need to be complete or things I need to do.  I have found this helps lower my stress level, improves my memory and helps me be more productive. Not having as many things to remember or think about makes everything easier for me.

How do you manage open loops?

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