Trying to live an undaunted life through the arenas of faith, education, parenting and life.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
What Are You Going To Do About It
You are frustrated.
You are feeling stressed.
You are angry with someone.
You are experiencing a challenge.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Student Portfolios
I am striving towards using more written work during music class. I think having students write music and practice these skills is a vital component (one that I usually overlook). In order to make the implementation easier for me, I have been brainstorming ideas. So far, I have come up with the following setuo, which I hope will allow me to collect and organize student work quickly and easily.
I am going to have a file folder for each student and they will be in number order by grade and class. Students will write their class number on their papers and as they will line up in number order. As they leave they will make a pile which will be in reverse order so all I have to do is put them in their folders. As the school year progresses, I think most of my classes will eventually be able to file by themselves.
Handout Ideas
1. Listening log
2. Instrument identification
3. Listening coloring activities
4. Daily/weekly reflection sheets
5. Exit slips
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Growing a Reader
Monday, June 8, 2015
- I could never be a stay at home mom they must be a better parent than I am.
- We don't do ___ all the time, they must be better parents than us.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
I will be honest, I never really understood this word until recently when my husband explained it to me. I remember being in interviews and making up answers because I didn't understand the word. Now I get it and after reading 'Drive' and 'The Fireproof Teacher' I have a better understanding of myself and my desire for autonomy.
One of my first jobs was teaching in a district with three elementary music teachers and it was a huge challenge. Not only was I a young teacher, I felt like I was always being compared to those teachers in my district. I figured out quickly that I prefer a situation where I am the only elementary music teacher in the district. I love learning from other teachers, but I prefer when I can do my own thing and not have group lessons.
One of my favorite school activities is setting up my classroom and creating bulletin boards. I realized after reading both of these that this is in large part because of I have complete autonomy over when I work, how I work and where I work. This is also why I enjoy teaching music as much as I do. What I teach is not dictated to the degree that other subjects.
An important concept to remember is that not all people and not all teachers like autonomy? What side do you fall on? I have realized that my stress level is significantly higher when I feel like I do not have autonomy over my career. How do you help put yourself in autonomous situations?
The Great Things
● Fifth graders created artist videos using a green screen.
● Our students read a lot of books!
● Many of our Kindergarten students read above grade level.
● Our students performed Crazy Train and Happy (along with other great pieces) for concerts.
● Amazing student art work always fills our halls.
● Fourth graders created a States Puzzle as they learned about each state.
● Amazing field trips gave our students learning opportunities outside of their classrooms.
● The school is field with amazing educators who truly care about their students.
Friday, June 5, 2015
67 Days
2. Run sixty-seven miles. This challenge is a mile a day. I am requiring myself to run a minimum of a mile a day.
Kindle Unlimited
-Many great education books are available.
-I can take as long as I need to read a book.
-A wide variety of books are available.
-I can have many books at my fingertips while not taking up physical space.